Friday, May 18, 2012

First Communion

Congratulations goes out to the second grade who made their First Holy Communion on April 22.  The students all worked hard and everyone did an excellent job. 



 Receiving the Body and Blood of Chirst for the first time!


Lighting first communion candles.

 Everyone with their lit candle.

 Congratulations on coming to the table of the Lord!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


The other day I asked the second grade what they were learning in math and captured it on video. Listen to see what they are learning. I also was able to capture the third grade practicing their division facts of 6, 8, and 9 on the SMART BOARD. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Second Grade Round-Up

On April 13th the first graders joined the second and third grade for some fun activities in the afternoon. The students had three different activities that they completed. The activities they had to complete were a rainbow using their handprints after they painted their hand, then trace a cloud and measure streamers two feet long and attach to the cloud to make a rainbow, and the final project was writing an acrostic poem using the word rainbow.  The kids also enjoyed fruit kabobs that had all the colors of the rainbow.  It was great having the first graders spend the afternoon with us!