Thursday, July 5, 2012

Field Trip

On May 4th we  took our field trip to Norfolk.  Our first stop was Affiliated Foods Warehouse.  This is where all of the groceries come from.  The kids were amazed at how big it was and how many groceries are stacked up high.  They also were able to perform magic.  As they walked down long hallways lights above them would magically turn on!  Actually they were lights that turned on when there is movement under them.  By using these kinds of lights this helps Affiliated save some money.  We also saw them printing grocery adds and it was very loud in that room.  They all thought the freezer for the frozen food was very cold.  After about an hour tour at Affiliated it was time to move on to our next stop, Valentino’s!  Here we were able to make our own personal pizza.  All the kids enjoyed this and thought it was delicious.  After dinner we were able to find a park to play.  The kids had fun playing for a little while.  Finally, it was time for our final stop which was the Immaculata Monastery.  Here we were given a tour of the monastery and heard about where some of the sisters are at or have been.  This was also a neat experience to see how women of our faith live their lives for God.  Sr. Celine gave us the tour and I was amazed to hear that when she was in first grade when she decided that was would become a nun. 
Thanks to our two parent volunteers who drove. It was greatly appreciated.