Friday, November 16, 2012

This and That

Reminder that scholastic book order due at the end of today.  You can place your order online.  Books make great Christmas gifts! 
If you are able to please send the kids pumpkin jars back to school so they can be used for decorations for our Thanksgiving meal next Wednesday. Kids will be able to take them home that day. 

We will dismiss at noon from school on Wednesday November 21st for Thanksgiving break.

Be sure to study with your child for their Science test that will be on Tuesday.  Use their study guide to study and also be sure to read over the chapter with them in case some questions are not on the study guide. 
Have a great weekend! 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Scholastic Book Order

Book orders were sent home this week. Orders are due on Friday November 16th if you would like to order. You can either send the order back with your child to school or order online.  Christmas will be here soon and books make a great gift from parents or grandparents.  If you order books as gifts please let me know so I don't send books home with your child.  Happy shopping!

Friday, November 9, 2012


For the month of October my class made block letters to be displayed in the trophy case at school.  The first step was coming up with the word each student wanted.  Then I was able to have someone cut the number of blocks needed.  We then painted the blocks.  Another teacher helped get the letters to us by using her cricket machine to cut the letters.  Then the students were able to stick the letters on the blocks.  I sprayed the letters with a clear gloss to make them shine.  They turned out really neat and were very simple to do.   
 All the blocks cut and ready to paint!
 Painting the blocks. 
 Working hard painting the blocks. 
Most of the blocks outside after being sprayed to shine. 
 Blocks in the trophy case.

Believers and Achievers

For the month of October Believers and Achievers I chose a student who comes to school with an excellent attitude and works very hard.  Keep up the good work! 
These two students received perfect attendance awards for the first quarter of school.  Congratulations! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sack Lunches

Remember that students need to bring a sack lunch on Thursday and Friday of this week.  NO hot lunch will be available.  Also that we dismiss at 12:00 on Thursday so teachers can attend an in-service at West Holt.  Thanks!