Thursday, September 25, 2014


The 2nd and 3rd grade students studied the cardinal and intermediate directions in Social Studies.  We discussed the directions in the classroom and to help review the directions we used the basketball court.  The students had to say if the direction they had was a cardinal or intermediate direction and then go the spot on the basketball court that was the correct direction.  They enjoyed being outside for class. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Grandparents Program

On Friday, September 12, the second and third graders had a program for their grandparents.  This was in honor of Grandparents Day.  The students recited two poems and sang a song for everyone in attendance.  They also presented their gifts to their grandparents who were able to attend.  They made Grandma and Grandpa diplomas and also gave them a pot holder with their hand print on it.  We then watched a video that showed our grandparents.  We ended our program with cookies, punch, and visiting.  Some of the grandparents were unable to attend so parents came so every student was represented.  It was so great to have all those who could attend and we missed those who couldn’t attend. 
Video of our Grandparents.
Showing Grandma Donna to her seat. 

Our honored guests!

Singing their song.