Sunday, November 29, 2015

October 2015 Classroom Update

October was busy with many things happening in the classroom.  I was able to capture a few of the activities. 
  •  Archbishop Lucas stopped by to visit the school on Monday, October 5.  He was in town to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, October 4th.  

  •  On Tuesday, October 6th students and teachers gathered together at the gazebo downtown to take part in Walk to School.  We had excellent turnout with 2nd/3rd and 4th/5th having one hundred turnout.  They would later enjoy a popcorn party sponsored by Safe Kids and also receive a book about walking safely.  

  • Wednesday, October 14th we held our annual balloon rosary.  It was a beautiful day praying the rosary and thankful for all those who joined us. 

  • The week of October 5-9th the third grade students took Terra Nova tests.  The second graders spent time that week having class in other rooms in the school. 

  • Wednesday, October 14th we held our annual balloon rosary.  It was a beautiful day praying the rosary and thankful for all those who joined us. 

  • We painted pumpkins that were on display at Great Western Bank and then sold at St. Joseph Parish Auction on October 25th. 

  • We spent part of an afternoon making pumpkins with the K-1 classroom and then wrote about our pumpkins. 

  • The students used the iPads to create a show-me about different kinds of landforms.  Parents were able to view these when they came for conferences. 

  •  During National Library Week the class walked down to the Atkinson Public Library and enjoyed dressing up in costumes. 

  •      We celebrated two birthdays during the month of October. 

  •      The students enjoyed Halloween treats. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Happenings in September 2015

Our first full month of school was a busy one and I tried to capture some of these moments on camera.
  • The beginning of the month we collected pinecones and then we painted them yellow, red, and orange.  After they dried we placed them in clear glass vases and have them displayed in the hallway by the front doors of the school. 
  • We invited our grandparents to come spend an afternoon in our classroom.
  • We spent an afternoon doing bubble activities. 
  • We used balloons to help practice math facts. 
  • We went on a leaf hunt one day.  When we got back to the classroom the students worked on making a leaf pattern as part of a science activity.  They also had fun creating a leaf man. 
  • We celebrated a birthday on September 25th. 
  • The last day of September was school picture day. 
  • Recess is always a fun when the teacher joins the kids. 
  • We started going to the library every two weeks. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Grandparents Day

We had a wonderful afternoon with our Grandparents on September 11.  We greeted each grandparent at the door and each student walked his or her grandparents to the classroom.  After all the grandparents arrived the students recited two poems About Grandmas and A Walk With Grandpa.  After the poems the students sang a Grandparent song.  Then everyone enjoyed a video of the students and grandparents.  Thank you to all the parents for sending me pictures.  After the video the grandparents and students worked on a project together.  When they finished the project they all enjoyed refreshments.  I enjoyed meeting all the grandparents that mean so much to my students!