Friday, October 26, 2012

Parish Auction

Make plans to attend St. Joe’s Parish auction on Sunday October 28th.  Auction begins at 11:00a.m. with rolls in the morning and lunch all day.  The K-3rd was invited over to the rectory today to check out all the neat things that will be there.  I heard a lot of students say what they thought was neat and wanted.  Just a reminder that the 2nd and 3rd graders pumpkins that they painted will be at the auction so be sure to go buy your child’s pumpkin.  See you at the auction!


The last few times for P.E. the K-3rd have been doing relay races.  Every week a new thing is added for the kids to do.  These are some pictures of the last time of P.E.  showing what the kids do. 
 Waiting for the relay to begin!
 Set up of the relay. 
 This was added new this week.  This student is using his balance to walk on the line. 
  This student is throwing a bean bag into the basket. The students have bean bags, balls, and frisbees to get into the basket. Each student went three times during the relay.
 Here the students are cheering on their teammates.  They do an excellent job of encouraging each other!
 This student is working on jumping over the cones.
  This was added new this week. Here this student is practicing karaoke.
 Throwing the bean bag into the basket. 
This student is using her balance to walk on the line. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cursive Club

Exciting news from our classroom today!  We have three new members who entered the cursive club.  The past few days in 2nd grade we have talked about the three different strokes the cursive letters have in handwriting.  These are the uphill, overhill, and side stroke.  The students were able to read three sentences today in cursive and where then inducted into the cursive club and received a certificate.  They will soon begin to learn to write their letters in cursive.  They are all really excited about this.  Congratulations! 


Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for tomorrow October 24th from 2:00-6:00p.m.  I do not have set times so when it is convenient for you to come please do.  If you are unable to attend please contact me so we can set up another time meet.  Thanks! 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

We visited Lambert’s Pumpkin Patch. It was a beautiful fall day and we all enjoyed our time. Click on the link below to enjoy the video of all the pictures. 

Copy of Pumpkin Patch

Sunday, October 14, 2012

K9 Presentation

Officer Genereux and Marko came to visit last week.  Officer Genereux talked about what Marko’s job is.  It was very interesting to hear about some of the things that Marko has done.  We were able to see Marko in action and were finally able to meet and pet Marko.  Thanks Officer Genereux and Marko for coming to visit. 

Officer Genereux talking before we headed outside to meet Marko. 
Marko doing his job. 
Marko found what he was looking for. 
We were able to meet and pet Marko. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Scholastic Book Order

Book orders were sent home this week.  Orders are due on Friday October 12th if you would like to order.  You can either send the order back with your child to school or order online.  The weather is getting cooler so what a great time to snuggle up with a great book! 

Painting Pumpkins

We recently painted pumpkins from Liewer Gardens. The pumpkins are currently displayed at Great Western Bank. They will be sold at the parish auction on Sunday October 28th. Be sure to come to the auction to buy the pumpkin that your child painted.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Believers and Achievers

Every month we have Believers and Achievers with the whole school. During this a time a teacher is able to recognize a student for their positive achievements. We also give out birthday certificates and treats for those celebrating a birthday during the month.
This student won an award for ‘Outstanding Determination’ for not letting an injury get in the way of his school work.  He also is a great leader during prayer time in the morning.  Congratulations on your award!  Keep up the hard work. 

We also had a drawing for the robot prize for filling out the School Mall magazine booklet.  Here is the student who won the robot.  Congratulations! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Team Jack

The K-3rd grades show their support for Team Jack with ‘High 5 Friday.’  It is so awesome to hear one if not more of my students pray for Jack every morning. 

The teachers show their support for Team Jack.