Friday, October 26, 2012


The last few times for P.E. the K-3rd have been doing relay races.  Every week a new thing is added for the kids to do.  These are some pictures of the last time of P.E.  showing what the kids do. 
 Waiting for the relay to begin!
 Set up of the relay. 
 This was added new this week.  This student is using his balance to walk on the line. 
  This student is throwing a bean bag into the basket. The students have bean bags, balls, and frisbees to get into the basket. Each student went three times during the relay.
 Here the students are cheering on their teammates.  They do an excellent job of encouraging each other!
 This student is working on jumping over the cones.
  This was added new this week. Here this student is practicing karaoke.
 Throwing the bean bag into the basket. 
This student is using her balance to walk on the line. 

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