Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Properties of Matter

We have started learning about properties of matter in Science.  Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass.  All matter has properties.  A property is something that you can observe with your senses.  Some properties of matter are color, shape, and size.  Mass and how something feels are properties of matter.  The students had to identify the properties of these matters. 
 The sponge is light so that it can float in water.  NW

The jar is smooth and hard.  CK

The pipe cleaners are soft on the outside, but hard on the inside because of the wire.  AF

The clip feels smooth.  It is green and silver.  MF

The properties of the clip are small and red.  TJ
The wooden part of the paintbrush is hard.  The other part is soft.  MN

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