Monday, April 29, 2013


We had our five live caterpillars arrive in the mail last week.  We will watch them go through their life cycle and turn into butterflies.  Earlier in the year we talked about life cycles in science and decided it would be a neat thing to see caterpillars go through their life cycle.  Stay tuned for more updates on them.   

Sunday, April 28, 2013


We have been learning about energy in science for a few weeks.  To start our lessons we sing a song about energy.  This is a fun video to show how they are learning about energy.  Enjoy!    

Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day April 22

On Friday the first graders came into our room.  We spent time learning about Earth Day.  We learned that people create a lot of trash.  We learned about reduce, recycle, and reuse.  If we do these things we can reduce the amount of trash we create which is harmful to Earth.  We also decorated brown grocery bags about Earth Day.  We then delivered them to both of the grocery stores for them to use for customers' groceries.  It was a fun afternoon of learning about how to take better care of our Earth and decorating bags.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


We made some crosses to decorate our classroom and lunchroom.  It was a fun making these crosses and they are very pretty hanging in the windows with the sun coming through them. 

 I was able to make a cross with the class!

This is what happens when you let students take pictures! LOL

Group shot. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Holy Week Activities

Holy Week is a time to remember the last few days of the life of Jesus.  We remember the last meal Jesus had with his disciples, Jesus then dying on the cross, and celebrating him rising from the dead.  We spent the week doing some fun Easter activities. 

The whole school worked together to clean the church.  It is great to see the students work together to get something completed.   

We made Easter baskets to deliver to the residents at Good Samaritan Center. 

The students listened to the story of Jesus when he was carrying the cross, being crucified, and then laid in the tomb.  The project that went along with the story was taking a crescent roll, a big marshmallow rolled in melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon.  The crescent roll is the tomb, the marshmallow is Jesus, and the butter and cinnamon represent the oil and spices they laid Jesus in the tomb with.  Then we had to roll up the roll and pinch it tight so we couldn’t see the marshmallow.  While they were baking the students dyed eggs.  After baking the roll the marshmallow had disappeared.  That shows that Jesus had risen from the dead and was no longer in the tomb.  The students also enjoyed dirt cups as a snack.  Hope everyone had a great Easter.