Monday, August 18, 2014

Under the Ocean

We have splashed into a great school year!  The students determined the theme of ‘Under the Ocean’ as we are going to explore this year on our yellow submarine.  The kids decorated a fish with jewels to add to our door and they really sparkle on there.  We have also started to get into some of their books.  Please be sure to look at the blog as I try to post their vocabulary words from reading and their spelling words on the blog weekly.  The kids thought it was awesome that their parents had homework to complete.  I have the ‘Homeworkopoly Board’ again this year.  The students get to roll the dice every Wednesday and Friday if they complete their homework every day.  This is a great incentive for them to get their homework completed every day.  They really enjoy playing and a highlight to their week to be able to roll the dice.  If you have an questions or concerns throughout the year don’t hesitate to contact me. 
I captured pictures of each student the first day of school.

Playground fun!

We used a ball of string and passed it around the circle by starting out saying, "If you really knew me you would know that....."  This phrase was taken from a speaker that the teachers heard the week before school started.  The yarn also shows that we are connected to one another as a family at school and we will all stick together this year school as we learn, grow, and play.

group photo

goofy photo

Working on their fish that we hung on the door. 

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