Monday, January 14, 2013

Flat Stanley visits Rome and Paris

Flat Stanley was sent overseas to Miss Liewer's cousin, Josh, who was studying overseas for a semester of college. He returned home with him at Christmas time and Miss Liewer was able to pick up Stanley and see all the neat pictures of where Stanley was.  I have many more photos of Flat Stanley's trip, so if you wish to view more please stop in and ask to see them. 

Stanley had great traveling companions:  Jim, Jean, and Josh Kolbo.
Rome had many fountains to see. 
This was a fun toy shop that Stanley visited. 
These are live statues. 
This is how they make pizza.  A little different than what we are used to. 
Stanley enjoyd the Colesseum.
Inside the Colesseum. 
This is a bathtub at the Vatican Museum. Stanley thought about taking a dip.
Vatican Museum
Statue of a Pope
St. Peter's Basillica
First view of Eiffel Tower.
Gustave Eiffel, the engineer who's firm designed and built the tower, had a small apartment at the top of the tower. 
View of Italy. 
Stanley was so excited to visit the most famous museum of all! The Louvre.
Egyptian Art
The first painting in the Louvre collection which started the whole thing. Everywhere there were signs pointing the way to this very famous painting, the Mona Lisa.
Stanley felt very small in comparison to this statue.
Modern Art at a shopping center. 

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