Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Day of School!

It was so great to see all the students on the first day of school!  We started our day celebrating Mass together.  After returning to our room we completed some fun activities.  The students completed a questionaire about their summer activities.  All students had a great summer!  We toured our classroom to see what was all around our room.  I am excited as the school year is underway and for all the learning adventures we will do.    Thanks to the parents who completed their homework!  The students had to ask if their parents had to stay in for recess if they didn’t complete their homework on time.  Luckily, I am happy to report that there were no parents that had to stay in from recess. J Thanks for the gift that you have given me this year ~ YOUR CHILD!  God Bless! 

The students taking an oath about the classroom rules. 

 High Five Friday!
Flex Friday!

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