Saturday, September 14, 2013


Last week in reading the 2nd graders read the story Poppleton and the Grapefruit, we learned that Poppleton did not enjoy eating grapefruit and it made his lips turn outside in.  He wanted to eat grapefruit because he heard on TV that he would live longer if he ate them.  His friend Hudson came to visit and asked why he didn’t have any lips!  Poppleton says he wants to live longer and if he ate grapefruit he would live longer.  Hudson then left and brought back his Uncle Bill who was very old.  Uncle Bill says that if Poppleton wants to live a long time he needs friends!  So, Poppleton threw out his grapefruit and left his house to go find some friends. 

Most of the students had never tried a grapefruit so I brought some to school so they could have a taste.  This is what the students had to say about trying the grapefruit.    
Tyler said, “I loved it!  I will eat it again.”
“I liked it.  It was sweet,” said Nolan.
Annie said, “I thought it was ok but, I will not eat it again.”
“It was ok.  I will eat it again,” said Malya. 
“I love it!” said Luke.
Catarina said, “It was ok.  I will probably eat it again.”  
Maci said, “It was a little bit sour, but delicious.  I will eat it again.”
“I didn’t like it at first, but I took another bite and liked it!” said Parker. 


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