Saturday, March 10, 2012

Leap Day

Since Leap Day only comes around every four years we celebrated by making a frog craft.  We used green paper, a CD, google eyes, and pom-poms.  The students traced a circle the size of the CD and also four legs out of green papers.  They glued the circle and legs onto the CD.  We hot glued the eyes to the pom-poms and then glued the pom-poms to the green circle.  To finish, the frog students used a black marker to make the nose on their frog.  Everyone also enjoyed frog cupcakes.  Thanks goes out to Mrs. Wedige for making the cupcakes and Mrs. Dostal for helping decorate them. 
Starting materials. 

Finished project.

March 2 was Read Across American Day, this is the day to celebrate Dr. Seuss.  We found Dr. Seuss hats  to celebrate the day.
Left to Right: Miss Liewer, Mrs. Slaymaker, Mrs. Borer

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