Saturday, March 10, 2012

Learning Snow Much

We finished our chapter in Science about the patterns in the sky. To wrap up our chapter we made an example of the Big Dipper.  We will begin studying about the planets next. 
In English the 3rd grade has been learning about adverbs, capitalization, and contractions.  The 2nd grade has been learning about adjectives and adverbs.  Learning about these parts of grammar will help the students to become better writers as we work on adding more details when writing. 
Both classes keep busy reading their weekly stories in Reading and learning new concepts that goes with the stories.  Math finds the second grade continuing to work on subtraction facts while the third grade has started to learning about division facts and multiplying by three.  Remember to practice the facts at home.  We review facts by playing some games on from the delicious website.  Encourage your child to go there and practice them.  You can click on missliewer tab or math tab to practice the facts.  

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