Sunday, February 10, 2013

Hats off to Jesus!

Thursday during Catholic Schools Week was Hats off to Jesus.  Students all wore a hat during the day.  In the afternoon we hosted a game show of, Are You Smarter than a St. Joe Student?  We invited four adults from the community to be our contestants.  Every student had a chance to compete and did an excellent job of competing! 
 Waiting for the contest to begin.

 Students and teachers showing off their hats.
Mrs. Know Nothing and St. Joseph's third grade student.
Excited to participate in the contest!

Mr. Know it All and St. Joseph's second grade student. 
Ready for the challenge!

Mrs. Always Late and St. Joseph's third grade student.
Listening to their question.

Mrs. Always Late and St. Joseph's third grade student.
He has his thinking hat on. 

 Mrs. Know Nothing and St. Joseph's second grade student.
Waiting for their question. 
Mrs. Know Nothing and St. Joseph's second grade student.
I believe her expression says she knew the answer to her question. 

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