Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Flat Stanley Enjoys Paris!

PASS ME THE BALL GUYS!  In France, the country calls the game of soccer Football.  I got to see a great game of it in a park today.

Bonjour Miss Liewer and fellow students!  I am here at the Eiffel Tower, a very famous landmark in France.  It was built for the world's fair over 100 years ago.  The French people thought it was a horrible sight at that time.  Everyone moved away from it if they could so that they would not have to look at it!  Millions of people from all over the world come to see it every year and now the French people are very proud of it.  Families bring their children on nice days to play in one of the many parks that surround it.  At night it is lit up so that it can be seen for miles.

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