Monday, October 14, 2013

Flat Stanley goes to Museums

Hello again, Miss Liewer and fellow students. 

I wanted to share my day at two very important museums with you.  In the first picture, I am at a grand old train station that has been turned into a museum.  It is called The Orsay Museum.  Many very important old buildings in Paris hold very important, very old works of art.  The buildings are amazing all by themselves, as you can see.  The Louvre was the second museum I went to see today.  It is a very important museum.  IT has a painting in it called the Mona Lisa.  The rest of the pictures are of me trying to get close to that work of art.  As you can see people come from all over the world to see this painting by Leonardo Davinci.  I got pretty close so you can see it too.

Tomorrow I am going to one more very important church that I can't wait to tell you about.  MY trip to France is coming to an end very soon.

Your friend,

Flat Stanley

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